Sunshine Flyers aircraft and instructors pave the way to whatever path in aviation you are trying to achieve. Instruction for the student, sport, private, and commercial pilot is available. Instrument, complex, high performance, and CFI are among the ratings offered as well. Sunshine Flyers can assist you with your aviation goals.
Auburn Municipal Airport, dubbed as the "Gateway to the Sierras," is located at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Its location allows you to easily access mountain airports like Truckee, Blue Canyon, and South Lake Tahoe. Our mountain flying training will help you become acquainted with mountain weather and rising thermals. Density altitude, non-simulated short-field and soft-field landings, and mountain emergency procedures, including survival equipment, will all be covered. This course will take you all the way to proficiency. There is no minimum number of hours required. Only for budgetary purposes, prepare $2000 for training.
Tailwheel aircraft are the original aircraft design, and learning to fly one will improve your overall piloting skills. Before airports became prevalent, the high wing, tailwheel arrangement was designed for landing on country roads with barbed wire fences on either side. Conventional geared aircraft are more difficult to takeoff and land than tricycle gear airplanes so expect training to take anywhere from 10 to 15 hours. As a result, set aside $3000 for proficiency training.
Do you need your Biannual Flight Review? A Flight Review consists of meeting with a Certified Flight Instructor and receiving, at minimum, one hour of ground instruction and one hour of flight instruction covering relative current subjects. A logbook endorsement is required as proof of the completion of the BFR.
The cost of a Flight Review varies from pilot to pilot depending on time, proficiency and currency. Set aside a minimum of $370 if you are flying one of our 172's.
Are you the proud new owner of a shiny new airplane but need it ferried to your home airport? We can help you with that and give you instruction along the way if needed. You receive the dual benefit of having your aircraft safely transported and of being checked out and ready to fly once you get home.